Remembering the 6 Million 80 Years Later

At the tour, we will

Learn about the rise to power of the Nazis in the early 1930s

Hear about the system of ghettos and concentration camps built by the Nazis to carry out their Final Solution

Discover incredible Jewish heroism in the Holocaust and examples of Jewish resistance

Join Meir Panim in liftling up Israel's Holocaust Survivors.

What Does Meir Panim Do?

Meir Panim, a non-profit organization in support of Israel, was established to promote, support and further activities which are committed to providing both immediate and long-term relief to the impoverished- young and old alike- via a dynamic range of food and social service programs, all aimed at helping the needy with dignity and respect.

American Friends of Meir Panim is a registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, registered under EIN Number 20-1582478 Donations to American Friends of Meir Panim are Tax Deductible in the USA.

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