This Chanukah, YOU can rekindle a blaze of hope and dignity for Israel’s Holocaust survivors, displaced families, hungry children, and the brave defenders of our homeland.
The great need in Israel today
displaced families
are still rebuilding their lives.
IDF reservists
are risking everything to defend our homeland.
2.6 M
live in poverty, struggling to make ends meet.
1.2 M
go to bed hungry each night.
1 in 3
Holocaust survivors
endure poverty and loneliness in their final years.
Ignite transformative light into the Holy Land in 2025
Every donation makes a life-changing difference. Your tax-deductible donation not only helps you maximize your year-end giving—it brings glimmers of promise and an optimistic glow back to their faces.
American Friends of Meir Panim is a registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, registered under EIN Number 20-1582478
Donations to American Friends of Meir Panim are Tax Deductible in the USA. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy.